

EnergyView is a cloud platform with a user interface (front-end) used to administer NODA's services. The platform consists of several components:

  • Database system (single tenant) based on PostgreSQL.

  • Login system (IdP - identity provider).

  • User interface with a separate view for end users of the product NODA Building, referred to as My pages (Mina sidor).

  • API that enables external systems to interact with NODA.

  • Tools for configuring and administering services and creating reports that visualise data.

  • Integrations for communication with customer installations.

  • Back-end with a software architecture based on microservices that runs in Kubernetes. This document only further describes these services in cases where explaining the relationship to various NODA services is necessary.

The EnergyView platform is of the single tenant type, meaning customers have their own separate databases on separate customer domains. An advantage of this design is that each customer's data is completely separated from other customers' data.


A user can access one or more customer domains. There are two types of users:

  • EnergyView users who have access to EnergyView. These have four different levels of permissions: Basic (see data), Operator (manage settings), Administrator (full access), and API users.

  • My pages users only have access to the My pages/Mina sidor module.